Bend Glass Fusion Class…Interested?

A number of visitors to our Art to Harmony Fused Glass booth at fairs in the Bend area, including Sisters, Sunriver, and Terrebonne, have asked me about whether I teach a glass fusion class. I’m happy to say that starting 2024 I will!! I have been approached by DIY...

A Light At the End

Well, this has been a very difficult year for all of us. We, like many, and hopefully most, have been self-quarantining, social distancing, and wearing masks when having to venture out. It’s been like a bad dream… seems unreal, but it is very real. We have been...

…Well, Not really!

The strange title of this “What’s New” is because this piece is really not about “What’s New” in terms of our glass art. Sandy and I are taking a sabbatical from our glass art. We are using this break to do various other things… like re-organizing our studio and...

Wholesale Prices for the Holiday Season

As 2018 draws to a close, we find ourselves with an abundant inventory. Good news for you is that our studio shelves are virtually full with little space to put new pieces. As artists, we need to create. It’s our life-blood. So, that’s where the good news for you...

Bait and Switch??

In the last “What’s New”, I talked about discovering Screen Drops and excitedly anticipated having wonderful pieces to show you by this summer. Well, we’ve encountered some technical difficulties that we are still working on. So, instead, I am going to show you some...

Screen Drops to Take Front and Center

It’s been four months since we posted a “What’s New” due to various distractions… mainly needing both hips replaced… that has gotten our glass art off track. However, based on input I received last August from a fellow glass artist...