Art to Harmony Blog

Re-entry from the Twilight Zone

WOW!! It’s been over 5 months since we put out our last blog (“Here We Go Again…Approaching Warp Speed”). Time flies by. In that blog I talked about how our glass firings and fairs had us out of control, but ended it on an optimistic note saying that I expected that...

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Welcome to Our New Website!

On the left side of this Home page under "What's New", there will be an article talking about exactly that..."what's new" on the website. I expect to update this monthly. The buttons across the top as well as those on the right side lead you to our two art areas...

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Whoa Nellie!!

The title of our blog series is “Harmony and Balance Through Art”. That has always been Sandy’s premise and the genesis of her business/website name…”Art to Harmony”. It has been my personal intention to seek balance and harmony through art in terms of my left brain...

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Hot Digady

After finishing our first Banyan Tree weekend on the evening of August 5th at 5 PM, I had exactly 6.5 days to get some glass pieces created to back my request to be juried into the Lahaina Arts Society as an “artist”. I was scheduled to appear before the LAS jury at...

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“Oi Vehy” and “OMG”

“Oi vehy” is my attempt at Yiddish (probably not spelled correctly) which sort of means “Madonne” in Sicilian Italian (also probably incorrectly spelled) which sort of means “Whew” in comic book English, all of which are G rated expletives for “Gosh, that was tough”!...

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