Welcome to Art to Harmony.
.Thank you for visiting our website. Our site was totally disfunctional for a few years, but thanks to our nephew Gary Harding, it has been revitalized it so that we can present our glass art once again.
We specialize in one-of-a-kind pieces of glass art and show only representative pieces on our website rather than our current inventory. If you are interested in a particular piece but want it in different colors or shapes than we show, or even function (a clock rather than a bowl for example), contact us describing what you would like. We will explore the options with you (via phone and/or email) that could meet your desires or needs. Our phone # is 541-797-6890. Bob’s email is [email protected].
Thank you for your interest.
Down below is our “latest” WHAT’S NEW. It will be updated later in December. The most current news that will be shared is the status of our Glass Fusion classes, and the development of Mirror and Light Fixture pieces
A Light At the End
Well, this has been a very difficult year for all of us. We, like many, and hopefully most, have been self-quarantining, social distancing, and wearing masks when having to venture out. It’s been like a bad dream… seems unreal, but it is very real. We have been blessed with not having contracted the virus as well as our family and immediate friends. Our condolences and best wishes to those who haven’t been as lucky. We look forward to seeing a light at the end of this trying tunnel.
While sequestered, we have been using some of the time to explore new designs and creations with our glass. Sandy reminded me that we had always intended to get into lighting and mirrors as an application of our glass art. In fact, our website has a section entitled “Lighting and Mirrors” with nothing in it. At an earlier update of our website. I indicated that we would do so be the summer of 2018.Well, we clearly missed that date… but I’m happy to say that in our looking forward to a “light at the end of this nightmare tunnel”, I was inspired to create a light fixture with our fused glass. The fixture is not a sconce or table lamp as described in the sidebar of the Lighting and Mirrors section, but a chandelier
The piece I created is hanging in our home entry way. Photo of it is shown above. The orange and blue were chosen by Sandy to go with colors we have throughout our home. (As artists, we have lots of bright colors in our house!) The fixture incorporates six separate glass pieces…. the five blue panels and the sixth being the bottom orange and white bowl. Interpretation of the piece has been all over the place. To me, it’s a starfish on a blue coral reef. My daughter saw a goldfish with a blue tail. I had never seen one so she emailed me a photo… wow, a beautiful creature. My nephew sees it as a flower with leaves of angel wings. So, take your choice. Anyway, it took a bit of trial and error to figure out how to integrate the pieces into a secure and stable structure…. but there it is, hanging in our entry… kind of wild, huh! (This design can be repeated in other color combinations…. if anyone is interested.)
I am also working on another chandelier design… a simpler single piece, more geometric based. I’ll take me a while to work it out but I expect to have it done by mid-October… another light in this tunnel! Sandy is working on mirror piece, also hoping to have that done soon as well.
Anyway, that is “What’s New” with us. We hope and pray you all stay safe as we look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel.
Several Near-term Fairs Planned, and Fusion Classes Continue!
Learn more about glass fusion processes. Click on the”GLASS ART” button, then the “How It’s Done” button.
Wholesale Prices for the Holiday Season
As 2018 draws to a close, we find ourselves with an abundant inventory. Good news for you is that our studio shelves are virtually full with little space to put new pieces. As artists, we need to create. It’s our life-blood. So, that’s where the good news for you...
Bait and Switch??
In the last “What’s New”, I talked about discovering Screen Drops and excitedly anticipated having wonderful pieces to show you by this summer. Well, we’ve encountered some technical difficulties that we are still working on. So, instead, I am going to show you some...
Screen Drops to Take Front and Center
It's been four months since we posted a "What's New" due to various distractions... mainly needing both hips replaced... that has gotten our glass art off track. However, based on input I received last August from a fellow glass artist (whose name, I'm sorry to say, I...