It’s Been a Hectic Month and a Half

The six weeks from the beginning of February through mid-March were a whirling derby because of Maui Open Studios in February and juried art exhibitions during the first weeks of March. Looking back at last year’s blog at this same time, I wrote about being out of...

What’s New?? Lot’s New!!

We have been very busy making glass art to have for our upcoming Maui Open Studio on the weekend of 22/23 February. In spite of our kiln breaking down two weeks ago right in the middle of our sprint to the MOS finish line, we have continued to create new pieces as...

New Carousel Baskets and Other Stuff

The past eight weeks have been very good for us in terms of people acquiring pieces of our work. As a result, we have had to update the art pieces on our website quite a bit. We’ve had to remove pieces that have been sold and include new pieces that we’ve created as...