What's New-Archive

Holiday Sale

Aloha All We are offering a 20% discount on all our art, both glass and paintings, today (5 Dec) through 20 Dec. All pieces are one of a kind, so if something catches your eye, order it now before someone else grabs it! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that...

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Floral Baskets, Pupu Dishes, and Bubble Bowls

The urge to create new glass art pieces is a continuous driving force that energizes Sandy and I with excitement every day. We are always making somethingโ€ฆ many are small items (jewelry, cheese plates, six inch dishes) to replace items sold at the Marriott or Maui...

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Vases, Drop Pots, Carousel Baskets, and Clocks

Weโ€™ve been remiss in keeping up with our website, but I believe Iโ€™ve got it up to dateโ€ฆ at least as of this posting. Some of our newest pieces are shown in this โ€œWhatโ€™s Newโ€. The most dramatic new pieces are a line of vases based on the slumping technique we use to...

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Going Gang Busters

Now, thatโ€™s an old phrase! Pre-television, I used to listen to โ€œGang Bustersโ€ on the radio (as well as โ€œInner Sanctumโ€ and โ€œAmos and Andyโ€) Sunday evenings. (Noticeโ€ฆI didnโ€™t say โ€œwirelessโ€โ€ฆso Iโ€™m not that old!) Anyway, for the younger generation, โ€œgoing gang bustersโ€...

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Purses and Garden Visitors

Artistic inspiration sometimes comes from unexpected places. These past few weeks, Sandy has been very busy creating some new pieces inspired by man-made as well as nature made things of beauty. The โ€œman-madeโ€ things are purses that Sandy has seen at the fancy shops...

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Love and Rainbows in Paradise

There are a number of images that visitors to Maui rememberโ€ฆ the sea spectaculars of Honu popping their heads above the surface, whales breaching and tail slapping, the beautiful and exotic flora, the traditional leis, and of course, the spectacular rainbow. Sandy and...

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It’s Been a While!!

Wow!! Itโ€™s been a while since we put out a โ€œWhatโ€™s Newโ€ blurbโ€ฆ not because there hasnโ€™t been anything newโ€ฆ weโ€™ve just been too busy with glass and life. Not a good excuse, I know. Anyway let me catch you up with some of our newest pieces. Bob continued on his basket...

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Bowls and Baskets

Sandy and I took three weeks off from glass for some R&R in Sedona AZ. We enjoyed the off time but we are glad to be back in Maui and anxious to get going again on our glass art. Iโ€™ve updated our website to reflect pieces sold and no longer available, as well as...

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Itโ€™s Been a Hectic Month and a Half

The six weeks from the beginning of February through mid-March were a whirling derby because of Maui Open Studios in February and juried art exhibitions during the first weeks of March. Looking back at last yearโ€™s blog at this same time, I wrote about being out of...

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What’s New?? Lot’s New!!

We have been very busy making glass art to have for our upcoming Maui Open Studio on the weekend of 22/23 February. In spite of our kiln breaking down two weeks ago right in the middle of our sprint to the MOS finish line, we have continued to create new pieces as...

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